Open cron-builder in Script Kit
// Name: Cron Builder// Description: Prompts user for desired intervals, creates a cron schedule based on user input, and describes it// Author: Ricardo Gonçalves Basseteimport "@johnlindquist/kit"import cronstrue from 'cronstrue';const commonValues = ['------------------------------','* = any value',', = value list separator','- = range of values','/ = step values',]const minuteValues = ["Allowed Values = 0 - 59",...commonValues,]const hourValues = ["Allowed Values = 0 - 23",...commonValues,]const dayMonthValues = ["Allowed Values = 1 - 31",...commonValues,]const monthValues = ["Allowed Values = 1 - 12",...commonValues,]const dayWeekValues = ["Allowed Values = 0 - 6",'------------------------------',"0 = Sunday","1 = Monday","2 = Tuesday","3 = Wednesday","4 = Thursday","5 = Friday","6 = Saturday",...commonValues]const minute = await arg({placeholder: 'Minute interval, default is *',alwaysOnTop: true,hint: minuteValues.join('\n')}).then(input => input === '' ? '*' : input)const hour = await arg({placeholder: 'Hour interval, default is *',alwaysOnTop: true,hint: hourValues.join('\n')}).then(input => input === '' ? '*' : input)const dayMonth = await arg({placeholder: 'Day of the month interval, default is *',alwaysOnTop: true,hint: dayMonthValues.join('\n')}).then(input => input === '' ? '*' : input)const month = await arg({placeholder: 'Month interval, default is *',alwaysOnTop: true,hint: monthValues.join('\n')}).then(input => input === '' ? '*' : input)const dayWeek = await arg({placeholder: 'Day of the week interval, default is *',alwaysOnTop: true,hint: dayWeekValues.join('\n')}).then(input => input === '' ? '*' : input)const result = `${minute} ${hour} ${dayMonth} ${month} ${dayWeek}`await div({alwaysOnTop: true,enter: 'Press Enter to paste result',html: `<div class="p-5 prose prose-sm"><h1>${cronstrue.toString(result)}</h1><p>${result}</p></div>`,onSubmit: () => setSelectedText(result)})